Make Your Faith, Match Your Fly!

Christians are just people who experience the same ups and downs in life as everyone else - the only difference is that we know a little Jesus goes a long way! The MYF Project will help you unveil the humanity in Christianity. Be Inspired!

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Sunday Jul 05, 2020

As if dating and finding true love isn't hard enough, what happens when you're feeling someone who doesn't necessarily share your intimacy for God? Are all bets off? 

Wednesday Jul 01, 2020

As a woman of God am I limited in how I express my femininity? Is there a fine line between Sexy and Trashy that could keep me from my Godly inheritance? Let's talk about it!

Pilot Episode: Meet R. Janel!

Saturday Jun 27, 2020

Saturday Jun 27, 2020

Listen in on this Pilot Episode of the 'Make Your Faith, Match Your Fly' Podcast. This full intro will allow you to indulge and find out who R. Janel really is exactly what the MYF, MYF Project is all about. Love God, Live Well... Win!

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